Thursday, July 30, 2015

I'm Peggy in Joan's body...

Ahhhh, the irony. I'm on the upswing after Round 2, which means that the five days of groggy, foggy, leaden, manic hell are over and I actually feel pretty good and have some energy. Of course, now that I'm feeling better, I'm at the point in the cycle where my white blood cell counts are at their lowest, which means that I'm highly susceptible to infection. This being the U.S., one doesn't necessarily want to walk around masked and wearing nitrile gloves in public, so I'm essentially stuck indoors when I *should* be out and about while I have the impetus and the fortitude.

What to do? I know! More Mad Men. *Sigh*


  1. I remember back in the day when you did a few modeling photos. Maybe you should dress up all "cancer chic" and have your lumbersexual take a few pics. Might be an interesting blog topic to see what the public response might be.

  2. LOL! What, besides rounds of synchronized vomiting? ;P
