Wednesday, October 7, 2015

6 down,

6 to go. I'm at the halfway mark of my Taxol/Carboplatin chemo series, which is slated for completion next month. Thus far, the T/C combo hasn't caused too many side effects, in comparison to the Adriamycin/Cytoxan dose-dense chemo. Unless, that is, you count relentless anemia-exacerbated fatigue, nail changes (I'm hoping they don't get worse), and the onset of peripheral neuropathy (I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which causes transient neuropathy as it is; the T/C's making it worse)...

I meet with my breast surgeon next week and my plastic surgeon the following week. My onco team's protocol insists that surgery take place no more than 3-4 weeks after my last chemo–which means that I may be spending the holidays in the hospital. *Sigh* Fun stuff.


  1. I took Lyrica and gabapentin for the neuropathy I had in my feet. Just FYI- it worked for me.

  2. Thanks for the tip, doll! I'll run these by my onco team if the neuropathy worsens...

  3. Onco team's verdict is that those drugs are more for neuropathic pain than numbness, and probably wouldn't do much to help me. Meh. Here's hoping the neuropathy reverses once I'm done with chemo!

  4. I didn't get the neuropathy until after my surgery, but it was more of a pain, I guess. But it has been awhile since I have had the neuropathy, and awhile since I have taken those meds. So there is hope. :D
